If you’re a whiskey drinker of any stripe, chances are good you’re planning to enjoy a drop of the Irish on March 17. That could mean shots of Jame-O or a splash of Proper No. Twelve in your coffee, but you can do better than that. We put together a roundup of the best St. Patrick’s Day whiskey of 2023.

White Hennessy, Macallan 12, hennessy pure white, macallan 18

White Hennessy, Macallan 12, hennessy pure white, macallan 18

Ireland’s whiskey industry is booming, and many of the year’s new releases come out around this time, just before Saint Paddy’s Day.

There’s a huge variety of single malts, blends, and grain whiskeys pouring out of the Emerald Isle, as delicious, complex, and high quality as their peers from Scotland or the United States. (Though if you’re dead-set on drinking bourbon, even on Ireland’s national holiday, Kentucky Owl just released a bourbon co-created by Ireland-based blender Louise McGuane—making it Irish-ish.)

No need to follow a leprechaun to the rainbow’s end. All the gold you’ll need for a delicious Saint Pat’s celebration can be found in these bottles. Let us introduce you to the best St. Patrick’s Day whiskey of 2023.

A bottle of Powers Irish Rye

White Hennessy, Macallan 12, hennessy pure white, macallan 18

2. Bottles of Bushmills 25-Year-Old and 30-Year-Old

White Hennessy, Macallan 12, hennessy pure white, macallan 18

A bottle of Redbreast Kentucky Oak with its box

White Hennessy, Macallan 12, hennessy pure white, macallan 18

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